This morning, while reading the story of Joseph, something jumped out at me that I had not noticed before. Oh, I'm sure I've read it many times, but it took on a whole new meaning today. With so many things changing in life right now and not being entirely sure where God will take me next, it is always tough to just be patient and wait on God for things to happen.
For Joseph, things go from bad to worse when, after being sold into slavery in Egypt, he is thrown into jail for something he didn't even do. When he was young and enjoying life as his father's favorite, I'm guessing he didn't see this one coming. Once he is in jail, it quickly becomes obvious that God is with him. In life, we have two options: either we are for God or against Him. The story of Joseph demonstrates without a shadow of doubt that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
So we see Joseph in jail, but not wallowing in self pity like many of us would do. Instead, he makes himself useful and soon is given charge over all the prisoners because the jailer could see that God was with him. Then Pharaoh's chief butler and baker are thrown into prison "for a while" (Genesis 40:4). Of course, Joseph has no idea that one of these two will ultimately play a large role in helping get him out of jail. When they both have troubling dreams and Joseph interprets for them, the butler and baker have the predictions fulfilled exactly as Joseph had foretold. In gratitude, the butler soon forgets about Joseph. Where we have short memories, God is still working. God's timing was not yet fulfilled and it wasn't until Pharaoh dreamed his own dreams that the butler remembered Joseph and how he had correctly interpreted his dreams (Genesis 41: 9-13) and mentioned it to Pharaoh.
Here is the amazing part of this whole story. This part of the story happens "at the end of two full years" (Genesis 41:1). Imagine if you are Joseph. In interpreting the butler's dream, Joseph had eloquently pleaded with him to "remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me; make mention of me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house" (Genesis 40:14). If I had been Joseph, I would have been thinking, "just a few more days..." When those days turned into weeks, then months, and eventually years, I would have given up hope of the butler ever doing my a favor. Still, God was ultimately working, keeping Joseph there until it was time to interpret Pharaoh's dream. God brought Joseph out of the prison and elevated him to the Prime Minister of Egypt.
In your life, are you letting God use the difficult times that come along to mold your character? Are you letting Him prepare you for the higher calling He has in store for you? Right now the way forward may not seem obvious. However God has a purpose that He is still working out and whether it is 2 days or 2 years (or how about 40 years like Moses?), God will ultimately lead you where He wants you to be.
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